a Sufi word meaning "breath" or "essence of life"/the blessing power of God/in contemporary French as a synonym of "luck". A person who has the "baraka" can emerge unscathed from the most dangerous situation/ Arabic term meaning spiritual wisdom and blessing transmitted from God/a gift if abused can cause great suffering, if taken care of and respected, brings great wonders and joy
2012 m. lapkričio 20 d.
Kaip ir kiekvieną rudenį - laivas krante
Maina: 27/04/2012
Vira: 20/11/2012 (pernai 16/11/2012)
Sezonas: 208 dienos
Buriuota (varžybos + PaPa): 46 dienos (+ 9 dienos Reflex)
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